Get approved by
AdSense using blogger in 3 steps (SOLVED)
Get approved by
AdSense using using wordpress in 3 steps (SOLVED)
website or blog, you don’t just want to provide services and spend time
creating quality contents, you also want to make some money out of you website
or blog. The are many ways to monetize your website or blog, as I am busy now
researching and digging on how to really
make money so keep in touch because soon I will be publishing the post
on 1000 Ways to Make Money Online . we all have bills to pay so, if you really
have a website/blog and you want to make money out of it, you can start with
AdSense ads as they are recommended by many and it’s not a scam they really
work, I have head of people making R1000 estimate $100 a day on AdSense so take
advantage of that and start to monetize your blog using AdSense ads. The only
problem with AdSense is they have a trial of a waiting period of 6 months for
them to approve you, well in some cases this is not always true, Google want to
make money and so do you and they can’t afford to waste time or lose you they
just want to get over it and approve you , but they have rules just like any
other monetizing platform and one of their rules is no adult contents, no hate
speech and so on but we all know that your website needs to be legit to be
approved by AdSense. In this post I will share with you 3 best tips to get
approved by AdSense without no BS 6 months waiting period, this always works
for me and I just want to share this with you to help you solve this problem
and make money.
1. Create a lot of good quality contents.
Coming up with good
quality contents is not easy I know, but you have to sacrifice and start coming
up with posts. What I normally do sometimes is I ask friends to write some
articles for me ones in a month or week also I use yahoo answers to see what
problems can I solve. Creating a lot of Contents will tell Google that you are
serious at what you are doing and knows what you are talking about, so come up
with some contents of at least 3-4 posts of good quality this is the best way
to get started, by the time a week past you will have 20-30 posts which is what
really Google is expecting from you, this will help you to get approved by
AdSense quickly in no time.
2. Get started with Google webmaster tools
Getting started with
Google webmaster tool is the best thing you can do for your blog/website as
this will tell Google that you really are here to stay and you busy building a
foundation for you website/blog. Google webmaster tools can help your
blog/website to be noticed by users and search engines, so sign up with Google
webmaster tools now as this can really help you to for your AdSense approval.
Using Google products for your blog/website like webmaster tools, Gmail, Google
analytics really can have a positive impact on you website/blog, as I all this
information will be stored in a database saying ‘ this guy has all the support
for Google so lest help her out’.
3. Create Authority
Creating authority
for you blog/website is the easiest step you can do, we all know for your
website to be recognized by search
engines you need authority that you are a human not a robot and you are
available and u own a website/blog, what I mean when I say authority: I mean
you need to be known and belief in yourself and your abilities, to create
authority you can use things like Gmail, Facebook, tweeter etc., the one that I
highly recommend is YouTube, when you own a YouTube channel its like you own a
blog/website which is called Vlog , it
creates an authority like no social media networking can, keep in mind that
YouTube is owned by Google so hey, like I said support them all the way.
YouTube is the best even if you don’t have social authority online for your
blog/website by uploading some couple of videos for your blog/website like
HowTo’s or tutorials, reviews etc., this will give you more exposure to Google,
so start a channel now to get a step closer to be approved by Google AdSense as
in YouTube you can also earn from your videos using same ads platform.
Follow this 3 steps I
have provided for you and you will get
approved by AdSense ads in no time and
start to make money from you website/blog. Make sure you don’t break Google
rules because If you do they won’t approve you as this is a bad impression for
your blog/website and remember that using their products and services
is the way to go. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.
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